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How cross posting WeChat articles to your website can save you hours

July 25, 2024 |   Jessica Naing

Every marketer knows content is king. It’s essential for engaging audiences, building brand awareness, and driving conversions. However, creating high-quality content is no small feat. It requires significant time and effort, particularly when it comes to crafting WeChat articles and website content such as blogs. For time-poor marketers, balancing the demands of content creation with other responsibilities can be a daunting challenge.

WeChat, China’s dominant social platform, is a critical channel for reaching Chinese consumers. WeChat articles, akin to blog posts, are comprehensive, rich pieces of content that offer in-depth insights, news, and stories posted through WeChat Official Accounts. WeChat articles can include text, images, videos, and links, making them a versatile tool for communication and marketing. Crafting these articles involves a meticulous process of research, writing, and design, making it one of the most time-intensive WeChat marketing tasks. Despite the effort involved, the necessity of creating compelling WeChat articles cannot be overstated. Quality and engaging content is key when growing followers as articles can be shared through Moments, group chats, direct messages, and can be visible in WeChat Search.

Similarly, frequently publishing new content on your website is critical to generate more organic traffic from search engines, particularly for Baidu SEO. Generally, having more website content is helpful to get more pages indexed. In our experience, websites with regularly updated content are also welcomed by search engines as it potentially signals that your site consistently provides fresh and relevant content, boosting your rankings. We recommend no less than one new update to your website a month, which does add up when you consider all the content that needs to be created.


Leveraging cross-posting for maximum impact

Cross-posting and repurposing content are foundational to any content marketing strategy, and they are widely used by marketers to maximise the reach and impact of their efforts. According to SEMrush, 42% of marketers say repurposing content leads to content marketing success. By employing cross-posting strategies, marketers can share content across multiple platforms, alleviating the burden of content creation while ensuring a consistent message and maximising reach.

WeChat articles are particularly well-suited for cross-posting to websites, especially for blogpost because of their rich text format and blog-like nature. Recognising this opportunity, we developed our WeChat to Web feature to fully automate this process.

Our WeChat to Web feature automates the cross-posting process, allowing marketers to publish WeChat articles directly to their website. This is achieved through data-driven pages, where WeChat content created on our digital experience management tool is automatically transformed to fit the layout and style of your Chinese website, making it search engine friendly. With the assistance of our expert team, templates can be set up and data sets mapped to ensure that the WeChat articles integrate perfectly with your web pages.

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Benefits of cross-posting

1. Enhanced SEO impact

By automatically publishing WeChat articles to your website, you can significantly boost your SEO efforts. Although WeChat articles are indexed by Sogou, the only Chinese search engine that indexes WeChat content, this alone is not sufficient to enhance your visibility on China’s top search engines like Baidu. Therefore, leveraging cross-posting tools to regularly update your website with fresh content can improve your site’s visibility on more Chinese search engines. Regular updates provide more pages to be indexed and ensure your website remains relevant, thereby increasing organic search traffic.

2. Increased reach

WeChat is China’s most popular social media platform, boasting 1.35 billion monthly active users, while China’s most popular search engine, Baidu, has 676 million monthly active users. By leveraging a cross-posting strategy, you can maximise your reach by ensuring you’re present on both of these dominant digital channels. This dual presence amplifies your brand’s voice and helps you connect with diverse market segments to ensure you reach your target market.

3. Improved ROI content and time efficiency

Creating content is a substantial investment in terms of time and resources. By leveraging our WeChat to Web feature, you can maximise the return on your content. Each piece of content serves multiple purposes, allowing you to reach wider audiences without additional effort. Moreover, an article from Marketing Scoop found that marketers who use cross-posting tools save an average of six hours per week on social media management. We understand that time is a precious commodity. By saving hours on creating and publishing content, you can focus on more strategic activities or continue producing more higher-quality content.

4. Consistent messaging across touchpoints

Maintaining a consistent brand message across all touchpoints is crucial for building trust and credibility with your audience. Cross posting your WeChat content to your website feature ensures that the content shared on both channels show a unified message. This consistency reinforces your brand identity and helps in creating a cohesive customer experience.


For time poor marketers, streamlining the content creation and distribution process whilst maximising your content’s reach is crucial to get more bang for your buck.

Let us help you make the most out of your content with our WeChat to web feature. To see how this can help you reach broader audiences and achieve your marketing goals with greater efficiency and effectiveness request a demo.


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