Sinorblog / From the Web / Daigou Down Under: The Chinese Shopping Trend..
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Daigou Down Under: The Chinese Shopping Trend Taking Australia by Storm (and Public Listing to Boot)

September 22, 2017 |   Christine Lee

As reported by This Week in Asia.

China’s overseas shoppers have become big business in Australia, with the power to make or break brands. As the once informal affair morphs into a multimillion-dollar industry, growing pains include greater competition and interest from the taxman.In February, Guangxi native Alex Zhu came up with a new scheme to help her parents with her pricey tuition at one of Australia’s top universities. She started buying baby milk formula and health supplements in Australia to sell to her compatriots in mainland China, advertising her wares on WeChat, China’s most popular social networking platform … Read full article


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